It’s end of day 10, the master cleanse is over! For ten days I consumed only lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and teas. It was a time of resetting and now I am ready for New Year’s Eve tomorrow.
In a Bikram yoga class today with G., I felt balanced and happy. I can’t wait to share delicious food with him. For the New Year we are planning a few wellness initiatives together as well: Tom Feriss’ 4-hour body diet plan, running, expanding sleep cycle, limiting electronic usage at night and making sure we get to the beach once a week.
I am about to light Chanuka candles of 7th night with Eric and Marysol and G., and I am grateful for all the light and love in my life. I am strong and beautiful and G. is absolutely wonderful. L’chaim to the moment and the coming year!