Day 4 of the master cleanse came and went, the biggest indulgence a teaspoon of the maple syrup, straight up as opposed to in the cayenne lemonade. Chanuka arrived and I lit the first candle, then listened to maoz tzur rock of ages as I laid with green tea bags on my eyes. I looked at the light, for about half an hour, elated it is here. The hours before and after were consumed by setting up the new bed arrangement with new comforter and painting the accent beam above it. I also painted two accents in the bathroom. It’s past 4 a.m. and I am becoming truly nocturnal. With school on break, the motivation to awake early is not there and busy nights seem so natural. I also think the cleanse is inspiring a frenzy of activity, and the quiet of the night is encouraging.
In the early afternoon, I rode the bike to Target. It being Christmas Eve, I paid attention to the difference in everyone’s being. I knew too that later I would be celebrating a different miracle. I spent hours at the store, going through every aisle, except children’s. With no family or friend gathering to attend to, I indulgently focused on what makes me happy. I rode the bike very slowly, watching the light dance of the mountain range.