our trip to watch an island grow

...by marysol

Barely 3 weeks into us dating, we decided to go to the Big Island (what us locals fondly call the island of Hawaii) together. I know, terrifying, right? well, really it's about how fast we're moving in this, but we did come to a resolve that it's a work retreat to get some footage. LOL, I kept calling it a "work retreat" rather than what normal people would call a "romantic weekend away."

How did this come up? well, our second date was me staring at his paintings. It's eerie because a lot of his paintings reminded me of the Hawaii Volcano National Park, but... he's never been. I asked him about it and he said "it's all I've wanted to do since I came to Hawaii." I got really excited to be there with him when he finally sees what he's been painting IRL (In Real Life). So, we scheduled the trip a month in advance (still, barely knowing each other) and it still terrifies me how quick things have happened and are happening but the weekend of August 6 was my only free weekend until October and I didn't want to wait that long. And, WOW did we luck out! The lava was meeting the ocean for the first time in years! Crazy exciting! I busted a good amount of money and made a value trade arrangement for the both of us to go on a sunrise boat ride that Saturday morning.

It's difficult to succinctly describe how great the trip was without sounding grossly cheesy. It was also nice to finally sketch with Eric! Even at an on-site sketching session, he was pushing me in a direction I would be far too timid to go: sketching landscape (instead of buildings) and *gasp* using color!